The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
Enriquez (2003), proposed the criteria to evaluate the activities that can be developed in these
shared spaces. Yepes (2007), postulated that beaches are the most representative and
photographed spaces in the holidays by those people who go there and come from fully
operational and administrative management of coordination of efforts in the municipal, State,
Federal, private or public initiative, where all of them give particular attractiveness to the
touristic destinations. It is recommended that each tourism development has a clear strategy
on how it should manage its resources in order to effectively create competitive advantages
in harmony with balance and sustainability. Proper management of this resource will
condition the tourism business's progress, quality, and permanence over time.
The work of Horrach (2009) established a generalized processes and dynamics that allow the
development of settlements with adequate structures that avoid overpopulation and generate
instead, a local motivation for tourist growth spaces called beaches. Many studies have been
done in regards to the activities that occur on the beaches, with negative impacts, e.g., over-
exploitation that starts an irreparable situation due to accelerated wear and tear that alters the
ecosystem causing erosion or loss of biodiversity (Boretto, 2018).
The use of beach spaces for commercial purposes has been a frequent activity, and in many
cases, they reduce public spaces (Martín, 2019), a process of historical expansion through
public or private investments enhances the sun segment in several spaces that may arrive, in
some cases a socio-territorial problem between public and private spaces. Silvia (2009),
analyzes and declares the severe problems of urban growth throughout things related to
public services, infrastructure, and hydraulic water supply systems and recycling.
Beaches are a tourist product and many factors are involved as a result of the sum of
economic, social, and cultural efforts. Those For most people, the term "Beach" is used in a
specific way within a tourist environment, where immediately the image of sand, sun, and
sea comes to mind; however, it should be known that they are talking about a set of attributes
offered in a destination.
In order to sort out the tourist businesses on the beaches of three destinations, it is necessary
to define, what "Business," "Tourist business," and "Beach" means for this study. Rondón
(2010), in his work “Analysis of the various components of the ecosystem”, defines "beach"
as an accumulation of sediments deposited by waves and currents in coastal areas. It can be
spoken of as a theoretical beach profile where it would be necessary to distinguish several
morphological elements:
• In front of the beach, an area permanently submerged, in which other minor topographic
elements can be distinguished, forming bars and depressions.
• Low beach, the part that is submerged at each high tide, has a set of banks and depressed
areas where the water remains during the ebb and even low tide.