The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
A Comparative Study in Cancún and Acapulco
La playa utilizada como negocio turístico en México
Un estudio comparativo en Cancún y Acapulco
Ricardo Sonda de la Rosa
Enrique Ventura Mota Flores
Sandra Guerra Mondragón
Universidad del Caribe, Cancún, Quintana Roo, México
Manuscrito recibido el 27 de noviembre del 2020, y aceptado tras revisión editorial y de pares doble ciego el 03 de mayo
del 2021. Turismo, desarrollo y buen vivir. Revista de Investigación de la Ciencia Turística -RICIT No. 15. Publicación anual (2021)
ISSN: 1390-6305 ISSN-e: 2588-0861
Profesor investigador de tiempo completo en la Universidad del Caribe. Miembro del Cuerpo Académico “Regulación
Patrimonio y Negocios Turísticos”. Doctor en Administración con su línea de investigación en Negocios Turísticos.
Profesor investigador de tiempo completo en la Universidad del Caribe. Miembro del Cuerpo Académico “Regulación
Patrimonio y Negocios Turísticos”. Doctor en Turismo con su línea de investigación en el Derecho del Turismo.
Profesora investigadora de tiempo completo en la Universidad del Caribe, miembro del Cuerpo Académico “Gestión en
la industria turística y gastronómica”. Estudiante del Doctorado Internacional en Turismo con línea de investigación en
tecnologías y sustentabilidad.
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
The beach is one of the most important tourist destinations in Mexico, various commercial
activities are carried out that directly influence economic development., The research
objective is to make an inventory and compare the tourist businesses between Acapulco and
Cancun, according to Richard Butler's theory of the life cycle of tourist destinations. A
quantitative methodology is utilized based on a case study, complemented with
phenomenological qualitative aspects, the commercial activities that satisfy tourists and
visitors' requirements and expectations were recorded, classified, and compared. Results
describe the similarities and differences of the tourist businesses carried out in Cancun and
Acapulco, the representative offer of condominiums in Acapulco, and more hotels in Cancun,
concluding that the rest of the tourist businesses are complemented by their line of business
tourism or domestic respectively. Therefore, the results will serve as an input shortly to
Cancun for future decision-making in terms of innovation and strengthening the industry of
products and services offered and demanded by the destinations
Keywords: Company; Tourism; Tourist industry; Beach; Butler Model.
La playa es uno de los destinos turísticos más importantes de México, en ella se realizan
diversas actividades comerciales que influyen directamente en el desarrollo económico. El
objetivo de la investigación es hacer un inventario y comparar los negocios turísticos entre
Acapulco y Cancún, según la teoría de Richard Butler del ciclo de vida de los destinos
turísticos. Se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa a partir de un estudio de caso,
complementado con aspectos cualitativos fenomenológicos, por medio de registros,
clasificación y comparación de las actividades comerciales que satisfacen los requerimientos
y expectativas de los turistas y visitantes. Los resultados describen las similitudes y
diferencias de los negocios turísticos que se llevan a cabo en Cancún y Acapulco, la oferta
representativa de condominios en Acapulco, y más hoteles en Cancún, concluyendo que el
resto de los negocios turísticos se complementan con su línea de turismo de negocios o
doméstico respectivamente. Por tanto, los resultados servirán de insumo para una futura toma
de decisiones en materia de innovación y fortalecimiento de los productos y servicios que
ofrecen los destinos.
Palabras clave: Empresa; Turismo; Industria turística; Playa; Modelo de Butler.
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
Richard Butler, author of the theory of the life cycle of tourist destinations, is today
one of the most used theories to understand the development of tourist locations, from the
economic perspective in terms of services and products offered to domestic and international
visitors. This theory establishes various phases, in which destinations evolve, it begins with
the stage of exploitation, and continues with involvement, development, consolidation, and
stagnation or decline/rejuvenation. At the same time this theory describes natural, social,
political, and economic characteristics of the destination. This research emphasizes on the
economic aspects of the theoretical framework, starting from the businesses developed on
the beaches of tourist destinations.
Analysis of commercial and economic activity related to the life cycle of tourist destinations
helps to define the strategies to offer products or services at those who visit them. . This
article proposes to inventory, catalog, and compare the turns commercials that take place on
the beaches of two of the most important tourist destinations in Mexico. The beaches of
Cancun and Quintana Roo are destinations in consolidation, and the beaches of Acapulco
and Guerrero are destination in stagnation, under the theory of the life cycle of tourist
destinations by Butler (1980), Butler (2006a), Butler (2006b) & Butler (2011) which will
serve as a diagnosis, taking into account elements of innovation, consolidation or withdrawal
of business lines according to the stage in which they are located.
The methodology was the case study, as reported by Creswell & Poth (2018), which analyzes
certain contexts in specific times and places, using various sources of information in data
collection to give a detailed description of a social phenomenon, applying the theory of
Butler's tourist destination life cycle to describe tourism businesses and analyze their
relevance in a national tourism frame.
The methodology allowed a descriptive phenomenological approach to identify and describe
the variables that influence tourist destinations' life cycle. The particularities of the object of
study will be analyzed objectively in terms of various life cycle stages, allowing a broader
knowledge of the tourism businesses' phenomenon.
The selection of tourist destinations states over an assumption that Cancun, with around 45
years of operation, has commercial activities, that are part of its market segment, and
according to the consolidation stage and in the case of Acapulco, with more than 90 years of
being formed as a tourist destination in a stage of stagnation.
Consequently, this research addresses the present problem of not having a longitudinal
projective study of the tourist businesses that are underway in Acapulco, in order to project
the possible future scenario of Cancun, even though they are in diverse stages. The cycle life
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
of tourist destinations indicates that sooner or later Cancun will be itself in a stage like the
one Acapulco is today.
Ther main objective is to analyze commercial activities according to the Life Cycle of
Butler’s tourist destinations, specifically in Acapulco, and to project those for Cancun, and
establish strengthening strategies, innovate or a withdrawal from the market of investors in
A comparative study of two tourist destinations requires an assessment of the particular
circumstances from both destinations. Some variables, such as the type of tourists, amount
of tourist spending, perception of safety or insecurity, and others, directly influence tourist
activity determining factors that affect the choice of vacation sites. Also, the complementary
offer framed within such as social, political and regulatory schemes, from each State,
establish the strategies to carry out marketing campaigns and sales of vacation packages.
The paradigm of economic sustainability has influenced profoundly the academic work of
tourism studies for years; however, this epistemology seems to have entered into crisis
nowadays, therefore the study of tourism businesses, as an object of study referred by Moreno
(2020), is foucusing on the progress of the research that will conceptualize the idea of tourist
activity in a practical and theoretical way in an integrated way.
The life cycle of tourist destinations
The idea of stages in tourist destinations is not new; proposals have been established
in the past to determine intermediate cycles in developing a tourist town. Gilbert (1939),
Christaller (1964), Noronha (1976), Miossec (1977) based their contributions on the fact that
tourist sites go through a series of phases or cycles throughout their life; however, the life
cycle of a tourist destination, according to Butler (1980), is by itself one of the most relevant
theories in the analysis of visitor profiles.
Butler's model has its origin in the theory of the life cycle of the product proposed by Dean
(1950) in the field of commercialization. However, is the model adapts and relates to
variables typical of the tourism industry, including infrastructure, attitudes, the involvement
of local agents, accessibility, competition, and, of course, commercialization (Butler 2006a,
Butler 2006b) & (Butler 2011), and a series of characteristics explained below:
Exploitation: the first phase is on its way when countless individual tourists arrive at a given
location, attracted chiefly by its natural or cultural assets. Tourists organize independently a
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
trip and follow no tried-and-true recreation paths. The impact on local people and economy
is minimal.
Implication: Involvement occurs when tourists go into an area in growing numbers, and some
of local people begin to draw their livelihood from the accommodation, gastronomy and
health services. The involvement of local residents ocurrs by becoming active in the tourist
economy or even focusing on visitors' activities. Expectations arise in the area in order to
create activities of recreation. Improvement of transport and conveniences for tourists is also
relevant at this point.
Development: Tourist industry becomes one of the primary sources of income for local
people, and the number of tourists is either equivalent to or exceeds the number of permanent
residents (at the same time, this is a signal that the tourist market is well defined in the area).
Tourist organizations from outside the tourist area enter the region, pushing out the local
businesses and depriving the permanent residents of control over the development of how
tourism works in the area.
Consolidation: Full development of tourist industry in a given area. It is characterized for the
growth in the amount of visitors, and tourism becomes the dominant industry in the local
economy. A gap occurs between the spaces with the town's health/tourist functions
(sanatoriums, hotels, restaurants) and social functions (e.g., households). Projects are taken
up to extend the tourist season and expand the area where services are offered. Antagonism
from the local population could arises with the intensification of obstacles in running a
Stagnation: this phase brings a decisive halt to the dynamic of the increasing number of
visitors, the attainment of a maximum quantity of tourists in the area, and then a decline in
the number of visitors. At this point, the area has a well-defined profile, but it has ceased to
be fashionable, and its image no longer fits the region.
Rejuvenation or decline: Decline is characterized by a drop in visitors’ numbers and the
closure of unprofitable tourist sites or their transformation into typologically various venues
(e.g., social care houses, private apartments). The area is no longer capable of rivaling with
other more attractive places for tourists. The services are reduced making the location
increasingly unattractive, drawing less and fewer tourists. If the area has a good
infrastructure, visitors for the weekend or one-day trips might show up. The decline phase
can conclude within the total or partial disappearance of the tourist function in each area.
Despite a specific area can enter into a rejuvenation phase, it is not possible to take a tourist
are into this phase without a program of activities to enhance the attributes of this area. This
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
can be achieved by introducing artificial attractions (e.g., turning buildings into a casino
network) or using unexploited natural resources.
This model was used to analyze stages of tourist destinations in different parts of the world,
Jafari (2005), proposed in his work "Tourism as a scientific discipline", that each country
must decide for itself the level of participation of its institutions in the construction and
operation of the tourism industry and how to organize the body of tourism observatories
dedicated to project the future.
Tourist observatories will be able to operate with their -feet on the ground- effectively within
the national framework, they understand their socio-cultural roots, and also, they area ware
of their own limits. Protection of the environmental and cultural legacy of host communities
are guarantied; and they are well informed for the needs in theses communities. Tourist
observatories work trying to respect their unique geopolitical position, they know how to
propose goals; they can choose forms of tourism compatible with the environment; and
develop operational scenarios for predictable and unpredictable events; and above all, they
treat tourism not just as an industry, but as an essential activity from which the local
community can extract benefits while connecting and contextualizing among all host and
guest systems in the global village to which all the nations of the world belong (Jafari, 2005)
In this sense, the life model of tourist destinations can be used as an important factor in
decision-making regarding marketing techniques, in order to satisfy different needs of
tourists (Butler 2011). Cancun and Acapulco have both singular characteristics of
consolidation and stagnation.
Other proposals have been made to diagnose tourist destinations, especially in order to cover
specific assessments that Butler did not consider, such as load capacity, standardization of
criteria, assessment of the participation and behavior of the private initiative as well as the
sustainability of the destination and definition and characterization of territorial spaces
(Garay 2011), (Soares, 2012), (Yang, 2013), (Kristjánsdóttir, 2016). However, for this study,
the original author’s version is maintained in its 2011 version.
Analyzing tourist destinations under Butler's model has been applied in Mexico, in
destinations such as Ixtapa Zihuatanejo, Cozumel, Puerto Vallarta (Osorio, 2019), (Segrado,
2011), (Aguilar, 2009), According to the Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico,
that reported the capture of foreign currency by international tourists in 2019 amounted to
15 thousand 666 million dollars, which represents an increase of 13.5 per year, compared to
the same period in 2018, foreign travelers counted were 29.8 million with a growth in the
average expenditure of inbound tourists of 11.5 percent (SECTUR [Ministry of Tourism],
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
It is no coincidence that tourism is consolidated as an industry considered the engine of
development in many countries; it is even considered an emerging economy that provides
well-being and social stability to countries, states, or municipalities. In Mexico, beach
destinations reported percentages of occupancy in 2019: Los Cabos, California Sur, 71.3;
Huatulco in Oaxaca, 62.4; Ixtapa in Guerrero, 58.8; and Cancun in Quintana Roo 72.2
(Ministry of Tourism [SECTUR], 2020),
Cancun, Quintana Roo
Cancun, in the State of Quintana Roo, was founded on October 8, 1974. This city and
has been characterized for the white sand beaches with a turquoise sea, Cancun is considered
among the best destinations in Mexico (Benito Juarez City Council 2020). Cancun has
infrastructure with hotels, restaurants, golf courses, marinas, travel agencies, archaeological
zones, airports, theme parks, and everything that constitutes a varied offer of accommodation,
restaurants, culture, and fun entertainment (SEDETUR 2020).
Tourism development always has a plan that leads in a structured and articulated way to do
and where they want to go. Unlike most Mexican cities, Cancun has no more than 50 years
of history; however, it has the infrastructure and design of any modern city; population is
628,306 inhabitants (INEGI 2020), Cancun was categorized as a medium-sized city in the
transition to a large city. The tourist destination of Cancun is a destination in the
consolidation phase.
Acapulco, Guerrero
Acapulco is located in the State of Guerrero on the Pacific coast in Mexico, and in
addition to having been an important commercial port in New Spain; it is currently one of
the most important tourist destinations in Mexico. Acapulco became well known around the
world in the fifties, many Hollywood stars came to visit Acapulco. It’s a tourist destination
due to the beaches and nightlife. The city has just over 20 kilometers of beaches from Barra
Vieja to the foot of the slope divided into three major tourist areas:
Traditional Acapulco: It is the old part of the port where the city center, the historic
neighborhoods, and the port are located were developed throughout the 1930s and early '60s.
In this area, visitors find some of the oldest hotels, restaurants with typical dishes, and most
of Acapulco's tourist attractions on Miguel Alemán coastal.
Acapulco Dorado: It is located 25 minutes from the Acapulco International Airport, and
started is development through out the 1960s and early ‘80s; It is the area with the most
tourist influx in the port, right in the bay of Santa Lucia, it runs along the from the bay of
Acapulco, from Icacos through the coastal Miguel Aleman and to the Papagayo park among
many hotels, condominiums, and residential infrastructures.
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
Acapulco Diamante: Also known as Punta Diamante it is one the areas that has had the most
significant development and investment in the port, it was made up of exclusive hotels,
luxury villas, and resorts of international chains, shopping areas, and golf courses. All of the
above makes Punto Diamante one of the most exclusive places in the country. Acapulco
belongs to the tourist area called the Triangle of the Sun, this includes Ixtapa Zihuatanejo
and the magical town of Taxco.
Acapulco has a tropical wet and dry type of weather, with an average of 36 ° C that normally
feels like ° C; tropical storms and hurricanes are a threat to visitors between May and
November as the rainy season is from August to September. Acapulco is the most populous
city in Guerrero, with over 673,479 inhabitants (INEGI 2020). floating population, according
to the National Autonomous University of Mexico, exceeds one million people.
Economy revolves mainly around the service sector, generates jobs to operate its tourism
activities. According to the Secretary of Tourism, Acapulco registered 5,225,259 tourists in
2017 and, in 2018, has an infrastructure of 18,972 hotel rooms with an annual percentage of
Main tourist attractions are the Isla de la Roqueta, La Quebrada, the source of Diana the
huntress, Xtasea Tirolesa, the Malecon, Puerto Marques, Pie de la Cuesta, Mundo Imperial
Forum, The Aquatic Park Rollo, and Symphony of the Sea and the Virgin of the Seas
(Acapulco City Council 2020).
Touristic Tianguis, formerly called the International Hotel and Tourism Agency Fair of
Acapulco is one of the events that have positioned Acapulco as a world destination. As of
2011, the Federal Government decided to organize the itinerant Tourist Tianguis alternating
it every two years
Tourist businesses on the beaches
Cancun and Acapulco' t provide general sense of statistical tables of the area where
the tourist activity takes place. People can find historical economic spillovers, occupied
rooms-nights, average stays and visitors. However, on a few occasions, these refer to a
predetermined space that this research proposes, the "Tourist Businesses" in the space called
"La Playa."
The first modern reference for activities that can be carried out on the beach was done by
Clark (1996), the author proposed five primary purposes: 1) Residential land use; 2) Use of
fishing, oil, mineral, or gas resources; 3) Construction of port facilities; 4) Conservation and
protection of biodiversity, and 5) Tourism and recreational activities.
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
Enriquez (2003), proposed the criteria to evaluate the activities that can be developed in these
shared spaces. Yepes (2007), postulated that beaches are the most representative and
photographed spaces in the holidays by those people who go there and come from fully
operational and administrative management of coordination of efforts in the municipal, State,
Federal, private or public initiative, where all of them give particular attractiveness to the
touristic destinations. It is recommended that each tourism development has a clear strategy
on how it should manage its resources in order to effectively create competitive advantages
in harmony with balance and sustainability. Proper management of this resource will
condition the tourism business's progress, quality, and permanence over time.
The work of Horrach (2009) established a generalized processes and dynamics that allow the
development of settlements with adequate structures that avoid overpopulation and generate
instead, a local motivation for tourist growth spaces called beaches. Many studies have been
done in regards to the activities that occur on the beaches, with negative impacts, e.g., over-
exploitation that starts an irreparable situation due to accelerated wear and tear that alters the
ecosystem causing erosion or loss of biodiversity (Boretto, 2018).
The use of beach spaces for commercial purposes has been a frequent activity, and in many
cases, they reduce public spaces (Martín, 2019), a process of historical expansion through
public or private investments enhances the sun segment in several spaces that may arrive, in
some cases a socio-territorial problem between public and private spaces. Silvia (2009),
analyzes and declares the severe problems of urban growth throughout things related to
public services, infrastructure, and hydraulic water supply systems and recycling.
Beaches are a tourist product and many factors are involved as a result of the sum of
economic, social, and cultural efforts. Those For most people, the term "Beach" is used in a
specific way within a tourist environment, where immediately the image of sand, sun, and
sea comes to mind; however, it should be known that they are talking about a set of attributes
offered in a destination.
In order to sort out the tourist businesses on the beaches of three destinations, it is necessary
to define, what "Business," "Tourist business," and "Beach" means for this study. Rondón
(2010), in his work Analysis of the various components of the ecosystem, defines "beach"
as an accumulation of sediments deposited by waves and currents in coastal areas. It can be
spoken of as a theoretical beach profile where it would be necessary to distinguish several
morphological elements:
In front of the beach, an area permanently submerged, in which other minor topographic
elements can be distinguished, forming bars and depressions.
Low beach, the part that is submerged at each high tide, has a set of banks and depressed
areas where the water remains during the ebb and even low tide.
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
• High beach, an area where it is possible to distinguish between the berms or small stepped
projections, and the coastline itself, which is higher.
Gonzalez defined "Tourist Business" as: Tourism businesses represent a lucrative exchange
relationship, which is based on value money material, by which the leisure needs of visitors
(demands) are met in exchange for payment made for the products "consumed" (offer) in the
destination of visit (2009it’s the etymology of “business” comes from nec and otium, which
is "without leisure a. In this research, "tourist business" is used as any activity that consists
of receiving a dividend to deliver goods and services, in order to improve income and reduce
costs to become more efficient in the tourism industry.
Beaches of tourist destinations generate economic income that nourishes the industry. Thanks
to these economic activities, tourism growth is evident and complemented by various
products and services such as cafes, restaurants, massage SPAs, supermarkets, theme parks,
tour sales, and more. In short, the orderly management and the undoubted attractiveness of
the "beach" space, together with the undeniable desire to plan its use, have encouraged the
study of what happens in those spaces (Sonda, 2020).
With the clear idea of generating new knowledge for the future development of Cancun, due
to the antecedents of Acapulco, and the justifications and concerns expressed in the section,
the methodological part of the research is presented below.
Methodology is an essential part of scientific research. It is the approach to a study
subject originated in which defined problem is reflected. This approach leads to the
description and interpretation of experiences and recognizes the meaning and importance in
pedagogy, psychology, and sociology according to the experience collected. These methods
are rigorous and coherent processes of daily experiences with ethical dimensions (Fuster,
Research of this nature addresses a place determined by the researcher to record phenomena
of a social group through observation. Direct participation in a specific context is necessary
to analyze what is related to habits, customs, ways of being and behaviors, in order to
interpret a real scenario. The ethnographic method is considered the research method par
excellence for social anthropology. It is defined as a qualitative method, and characterized
by participant observation and the use of reflexivity. (Apud, 2013).
Researcher approaches the object of study to record data, which is called "Research
Instruments." There are four types: observation, textual analysis, interviews, and transcripts;
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
whether used individually or in combinations, they are both efficient and effective
(Silverman, 2011).
Observation was the primary research instrument for accumulating and interpreting the
actions, behaviors, and events of people or objects, as they are usually carried out (Creswell
& Poth, 2018), and establishing the dependent variable as "tourist business" and the
independent ones, "beach" and "location," as explained by Gundermann, (2010).
This research methodology has a comparative nature, in which standard variables are
diagnosed in various locations in order to determine similarities, coincidences, or
divergences that explain a present, past, or future situation. By using a systemic search, it is
established whether there is the corresponding relationship or proximity regarding a
particular topic, as is the case study with two similar tourist destinations but with different
Methodological Strategy
Bibliographic review of paper and virtual sources from national and international
internet sites and scientific articles related to tourism businesses and beaches. Studies were
found in order to delimit geographically afield space to be researched: Cancun and Acapulco
were selected, due to the economic impact they are for their states, in addition to the number
of workers in tourist industry and the similar tourist offer.
The ethnographic work took great relevance since the information was collected physically
on the beaches. The researcher carried a camera and a notebook, he was able to record the
findings during the tours; the first of them was in the Cancun beach area with just over 16
km, from the Calinda bridge to the Nizuc bridge, covering the most representative beaches
such as Las Perlas beach, Forum beach, Marlin beach, and El Mirador.
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
Figure 1. Delimitation of the Tourism Business study space in Cancun beach 2020. Source: Own
In Acapulco, the tour was carried out from the Krystal Beach Acapulco Hotel to the Eighth
Naval Region.
Figure 2. Delimitation of the Tourism Business study space in Acapulco beach 2020. Source: Own
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
Once the tours ended, secondary sources of various dictionaries and government websites
from the Federal to the State and Municipal of Cancun and Acapulco were examined in order
to understand the business transactions according to the legislation of each State.
Once the data collection was done, categories, analysis of results, and their interpretation
were carried out, according to the following classifications: Hotels, Apartments, Houses (for
rent to tourists), Apartments (for rent to tourists), Shops, Street vendors, Restaurants, Bars,
Beach Club, Docks, Massages, Jet sky rental (jet skis), Parachute ride, Parking, Table rental,
Parasols, Street vendors, Houses, Docks, Supermarkets, Abandoned spaces, Bungee, diving
shops, baths, and water parks. These tourist destinations have a more significant offer of
tourist services, but only those found in the "beach" space were recorded and counted in a
given time.
Results and discussion
Cancun, Mexico, focuses on the hotelier, being a destination created from its origin
as a Comprehensively Planned Center.
Figure 3. Percentages of the inventory of tourist businesses on the beaches of Cancun 2020
Source: Own elaboration
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
Numbers show that the mainline of business tourism on the beach is hotels, restaurants,
houses, piers, and businesses that rent Jet Sky. On the other hand, those with less
representation are the supermarket, kiosks selling diving tours, and beach clubs.
In Acapulco, which has been operating as a tourist destination for more than 80 years, the
following commercial activities are in place:
Figure 4. Percentages of the inventory of tourist businesses on the beaches of Acapulco 2020
Source: Own elaboration
We can detect that the main tourist businesses are held by departments, street vendors, rental
of umbrellas, and hotels.
Comprehensive analysis of tourist businesses on the beaches
Once data collection from the inventory of tourism businesses finished, the following
comparison between the two destinations is presented. The categorization of the businesses
in the tables was done based on the researcher's criterion to unite in similar categories the
business lines found during the research.
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
Table 1. Comparison of tourist businesses on beaches 2020
Jet Sky rental
Parachute Tours
Source: Own elaboration
Table 1 Shows that Cancun has more hotels than Acapulco. And also Motorized water
services of Jet Sky, massage services, and restaurants. In Acapulco, the parachute tour and
the apartments for rent have more quality than those in Cancun. Acapulco has been
characterized by receiving more tourists from Mexico City, on the other hand, visitors to
Cancun come from the USA and the several States of Mexico.
Table 2. Comparison of tourist businesses in beaches 2020
Tables Kayak, Rental
Umbrellas rental
Beach club
Source: Own elaboration
In Cancun there are more hotels than in Acapulco, there are more motorized water services
of Jet Sky, massage services, and restaurants as well. In Acapulco the parachute tour and the
apartments for rent are better than those in Cancun. The visitor in Acapulco prefers to buy
items on the beach instead of consuming in restaurants, the distribution of the economic
income during their stay is different in comparison with Cancun, where the hotel zone is
away from Cancun downtown.
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
Table 3. Comparison of tourist businesses on beaches 2020
Scuba Tours
Source: Own elaboration
The commercial lines found only on beaches in Cancun and not in Acapulco are the houses,
residential condominiums, dive shops, and docks. Cancun real estate industry is present and
growing as the water activities that come and go from the decks on the Cancun beaches.
Table 4. Comparison of tourist businesses in beaches 2020
Abandoned spaces
Parking lot
Private Bathroom
Aquatic Park
Source: Own elaboration
In Acapulco's exclusive tourist businesses, there were abandoned spaces, Bungee,
Parking, Private bathrooms, and a water park. In the Port of Acapulco, the City Council has
concessioned sanitary services to third parties, bathrooms were built and are maintained by
charging visitors. In Cancún, sanitary services are managed by the City Council. We can
distinguish that the local administration and adjudication are different and, in the same way,
the image of urban beaches in question. In total, 212 businesses were counted on the beaches
in Cancun, and 229 in Acapulco.
The beach is the basis of tourist activity and had become an element of satisfaction
for tourists. It is a decisive factor for traveling due to the elements found throughout the
study. The growing number of tourists worldwide, reported by the World Tourism
Organization, results in the increase in tourism businesses, which must satisfy the
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
expectations of visitors. It is necessary that this commercial activity could be diversified
with innovation in lodging and food, complementing them with shopping, fun, and
relaxation; making the destination more attractive for national and international tourists.
The analysis of the tourist businesses on the beaches, and the relationship that this industry
has with the theory of the life cycle of tourist destinations, make it necessary to recommend
growth strategies concerning the present and future customers.
Tourist businesses on the beaches represent economic bonanza for marketing and
administration, through various actors of these businesses, whether small, medium or large,
formal or informal, family or corporate, seasonal or fixed.
Beyond the general analyzes addressed, it is necessary to deepen, as stated by Moreno (2019),
segments, type of destinations, type of accommodation, as well as number of people who
stay or categories of activities carried out in the hotel, as well as in the location where the
action takes place without losing the perspective of a holistic and global approach, which
does not fall into a mere succession of case analysis with statistical analysis.
From a global perspective, Cancun and Acapulco are destinations with similar tourism
businesses, but each one offers specific products and services for visitors. The commercial
activities are based on the demand of visitors who come to the beaches and find a response
to their requirements and expectations, so the tourist indicators of the client's profile must be
attended to establish strategies and offer products and corresponding services to their
For Acapulco, the link between the tourist area and the city no longer exists, the commercial
activity is almost unique, and the beaches are used by tourists and by the residents themselves
almost without making a distinction. In Cancun, there is still a separation that makes a hotel
zone and a city where the people who work in the hotel zone and other residents coexist.
Several factors must be analyzed regarding the future evolution of the destinations, including
urban planning, territorial situations, physical situations, and development and growth
regulations aligned with the environment, to strengthen or facilitate the evolution of a
destination. These factors will be the subject of further analysis in order to evaluate traditional
destinations with traditional destinations or Integrally Planned Centers in the future.
We can conclude that there is a city of Acapulco with more than 90 years of experience in a
stage of declining, Butler's theory confirms this due to its visitor indicators that have been
established with no growing in the last decade, with infrastructure typical of its glamorous
era and business. Classic tourists who have migrated to a mature destination, second homes
and apartments with hotel services.
The Beach Used as a Tourist Business in México
Ricardo Sonda, Enrique Mota y Sandra Guerra
RICIT no. 15. (2021) (pp.7-27)
On the other hand, Cancun, with about 45 years in the middle of consolidation phase due to
its permanent growth in recent years. Cancun still has the classic hotel industry, led by hotels
and restaurants, they are open to the possibility of migrating like Acapulco, in a period not
too distant, to blocks of apartments.
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