Comprehensive environmental management plan for tourist projects: case study Calceta, Ecuador
Plan integral de gestión ambiental para emprendimientos turísticos: caso de estudio Calceta, Ecuador
Environmental mamagement, sustanaible tourism, entrepreneurship, tourist activities, enviromental management programAbstract
Due to the rapid growth of tourism, this industry has generated significant environmental problems. In the province of Manabí there is a clear need to promote investment and entrepreneurship by improving infrastructure and tourism services, with a focus on environmental sustainability. In response to this problem, the present research aimed to design a comprehensive environmental management plan for tourism enterprises in the city of Calceta. A methodology with a mixed approach was used, and through the application of the synthetic analytical method and techniques such as interviews, technical sheets and Leopold's matrix, three phases were executed: situational diagnosis, identification of environmental management and design of the comprehensive environmental management plan. It was determined that in Calceta the tourist activity is the axis of the economy through accommodation, catering and recreation ventures; that have basic conditions of service, viability and transportation; which lack an environmental management system. According to the resources of the parish, the tourist potentialities are oriented to nature tourism and cultural tourism. The environmental impact assessment revealed that 100% of tourism enterprises have high energy and water consumption; 75% do not carry out any type of waste separation at the source; only 45% perform continuous asepsis and 89% suffer from noise pollution. In the comprehensive environmental management plan proposed in this work, seven environmental management programs and two monitoring programs were established, highlighting the environmental aspect, identified impact, proposed measures, indicators, means of verification, periodicity, executing entity and amount. In conclusion, there is an emerging need to apply environmental management strategies in Calceta tourism ventures to achieve sustainable tourism development.
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