Determination of the tourist product based on ecotourism through potentiality: Case of Rural Parishes of Santa Rosa, El Oro, Ecuador

Determinación del producto turístico basado en ecoturismo por medio de la potencialidad: Caso Parroquias Rurales de Santa Rosa, El Oro, Ecuador


  • Luis Miguel Sánchez Cuenca Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador
  • David Andres Martinez Romero Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador
  • Daniela Cristina Parra Loayza Universidad Técnica de Machala - Ecuador


Tourism Product, Tourism Potential, Evaluation Criteria, Tourism Development


The development of tourism products currently allows for great economic development within the cantons of the provinces of Ecuador, to generate these products it is necessary to conduct research on the potential of natural or cultural resources; and how they can be take advantage of the best way. For this reason, this article focuses on the rural parishes of the Santa Rosa canton and its tourism development. Through an on-site visit, it is intended to evaluate each of the criteria found in the Methodological Guide for the hierarchy of attractions and generation of tourist spaces in Ecuador given by the Ministry of Tourism, in order to identify the suitable tourist product or products according to the potential of each of the attractions. This analysis was performed on resources; Making an assessment for each of the criteria, which when obtaining a percentage greater than or equal to seventy percent, becomes a strength for this resource. Obtaining as a result a greater number of criteria as weaknesses, so the improvement of these aspects is necessary; if you intend to take advantage of these resources for the tourist development of these areas.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Cuenca, L. M. ., Martinez Romero, D. A. ., & Parra Loayza, D. C. . (2020). Determination of the tourist product based on ecotourism through potentiality: Case of Rural Parishes of Santa Rosa, El Oro, Ecuador: Determinación del producto turístico basado en ecoturismo por medio de la potencialidad: Caso Parroquias Rurales de Santa Rosa, El Oro, Ecuador. Turismo, Desarrollo Y Buen Vivir. Revista De Investigación De La Ciencia Turística- RICIT , (14), 7–23. Retrieved from