Hospitality in the provision of tourist service. A review of their theoretical approaches in the International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2004-2013

La hospitalidad en la prestación del servicio turístico.Una revisión sobre sus planteamientos teóricos en la revista International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2004-2013


  • Rosa Adriana Vázquez Gómez Universidad Panamericana, Cd. México, México
  • Maribel Osorio García Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, México


hospitality, tourism, host, guest, theory


Nowadays, so called hospitable exchanges have increased worldwide due largely to two global phenomena: migration and tourism. In the study of these behaviors we can recognize the philosophical and the commercial as explanatory approaches; the latter considers the theoretical approaches that serve as a base for the hospitality considered as the provision of tourism services. In order to perform an analysis of these approaches and go in depth in the explanation of the host-guest interaction in tourism hospitality, in this article the results of an extensive review of scientific articles in the International Journal of Hospitality Management are presented, conducted through a content analysis. The analysis allowed the characterization of two axes of theoretical explanation: the micro-relations studies, whose main topics deal with employee performance and employee-customer-service; and meso-relational studies whose topics deal with the management of human resources and organizational culture. Moreover, the research reveals that the commercial nature of this relationship has changed the human sense of hospitality.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Gómez, R. A. ., & Osorio García, M. . (2016). Hospitality in the provision of tourist service. A review of their theoretical approaches in the International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2004-2013: La hospitalidad en la prestación del servicio turístico.Una revisión sobre sus planteamientos teóricos en la revista International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2004-2013. Turismo, Desarrollo Y Buen Vivir. Revista De Investigación De La Ciencia Turística- RICIT , (10), 43–75. Retrieved from