Kernel density analysis for the diagnosis of tourist heritage. Case study: La Floresta neighborhood in Quito
Análisis de densidad de Kernel para el diagnóstico del patrimonio turístico. Caso de estudio: Barrio de la Floresta.
Territorial planning, tourism, Quito, GIS, KernelAbstract
La Floresta is located in the parish of La Mariscal, it has established itself as a place that offers a cultural proposal for the city of Quito. However, despite being an area that has attractiveness, there has been no adequate territorial tourism analysis. Therefore, the objective of this research is to use geographic information systems to identify attractions, equipment and infrastructure that sustain tourist visits, as well as an analysis of the territory through Kernel density to identify attractive areas to generate vital enterprises after the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, it has the purpose of working towards understanding the dynamics that these elements make up within the territory. The methodology was divided into two phases. The first one is composed of work in the field with the collection of georeferenced data and the second with the analysis of the data to create geodatabases through ArcGIS for the generation of thematic cartography. Among the main conclusions that were obtained from the study were that 33 tourist attractions and 132 items of equipment were divided into food and beverages, accommodation, and other services. Within the infrastructure, important areas to be highlighted were found, such as zone 30. Within the Kernel analysis, areas to the south of the neighborhood with potential for business generation were identified, as well as the identification of a high density of attractions and equipment in the northern area of the neighborhood.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Freddy Xavier Lasso Garzón, Andrea Sarango, Fabián Brondi Rueda
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