Analysis of the bee honey crystallization as an indication of its purity

Análisis de la cristalización de la miel de abeja como indicativo de su pureza


  • Jonathan Santiago Proaño Varela Universidad Metropolitana, Quito- Ecuador
  • Pablo Marcelo Espinoza Carriel Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador


Bee honey, crystallization, purity, Apis mellifera


The dispute over the purity of bee honey influences the marketing and value judgement of honey; only by means of laboratory analysis are precise parameters determined to determine its purity, quality, and origin. The present research makes a bibliographical revision with its respective analysis of the results of experimental research about the quality parameters of bee honey to understand the scientific basis about the physical-chemical characteristics of honey and to determine the phenomena around it and in this way contribute to the studies in the gastronomic area. A qualitative approach is used, through the collection of bibliographical sources and subsequent comparative analysis within the framework of the physico-chemical composition of honey, emphasising its crystallisation. Honey quality parameters such as colour and crystallisation are investigated, as well as sanitary aspects such as the presence of microorganisms and/or chemical residues such as diastatic activity and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) content. Regarding crystallisation, different factors such as Fructose/Glucose (F/G) or Glucose/Humidity (G/H) ratio, storage temperature and the presence of insoluble particles, among others, are analysed. It is concluded that honey crystallisation occurs naturally, with the incidence of certain physicochemical factors such as the humidity, presence of oxygen, suspended solids, as well as the parameters that influence the quality of the honey, which are influenced by the proportions or ratios of sugars, by the humidity and temperature of storage and by the presence of insoluble particles, among others.

Author Biographies

Jonathan Santiago Proaño Varela, Universidad Metropolitana, Quito- Ecuador

Magister en Gestión de Turismo, docente a tiempo completo de la carrera de Hotelería y Turismo en la Universidad Metropolitana-Ecuador.

Pablo Marcelo Espinoza Carriel, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador

Magister en Gestión del turismo, Docente tiempo completo, en la Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas-Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Proaño Varela, J. S., & Espinoza Carriel, P. M. (2022). Analysis of the bee honey crystallization as an indication of its purity: Análisis de la cristalización de la miel de abeja como indicativo de su pureza. Kalpana- Revista De Investigación, (22), 92–106. Retrieved from