Urban Transformations: An analysis of gentrification in the city of Quito (Neighborhoods Mariscal Sucre, La Floresta, Centro Historico)
Transformaciones urbanas: Un análisis de la gentrificación en la ciudad de Quito (Barrios Mariscal Sucre, La Floresta, Centro Histórico)
urban transformations, gentrification, displacement, Socio-economic diversityAbstract
This document on the phenomenon of gentrification in the Ecuadorian capital analyzes this urban phenomenon in terms of its causes, effects, and solutions. The social, economic, and cultural aspects of gentrification are discussed, and it seeks to understand how it affects people's quality of life to better understand how it impacts the community and explore alternatives that can balance urban development with the preservation of diversity and people's well-being. This work also explores the possible solutions and alternatives to balance urban development with the preservation of diversity and the well-being of the community, given that gentrification is a complex and controversial urban phenomenon that has a great impact on the lives of the people who live in the city of Quito.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Xavier Páez- Coello, Robert Samaniego- Garrido
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