A note on Palaeolithic’s foods: from culinary heritages to culinary arts tourism
Nota sobre los productos alimentarios en el Paleolítico: del patrimonio culinario al turismo gastronómico
culinary heritage, gastronomy, cuisine, palaeolithic diet, archaeological tourismAbstract
Palaeolithic diet was based on the use of food available in the landscapes. The products that predominated are both of animal and vegetable origins, and were obtained as a result of the processes of hunting, fishing and gathering. This note studies the tourism opportunities derived from the ingredients present in the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic diet through the review of a contemporary cookbook that recovers the alimentary and cultural possibilities of Palaeolithic cuisine. Nowadays there is a growing interest on prehistory, and, in particular, in the context of cultural tourism practices. Conclusions of this article show these potentialities within the framework of the relationship between archaeology and tourism.
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