Leadership and emotional intelligence at the managerial level; perspectives of ontological, epistemological, methodological knowledge and paradigm
Liderazgo e inteligencia emocional a nivel gerencial; perspectivas del conocimiento ontológico, epistemológico, metodológico y el paradigma.
Management, emotional intelligence, Leadership, knowledgeAbstract
This essay addresses the ontological, epistemological, methodological and paradigm planes of scientific knowledge, which will allow us to interpret the nature of social phenomena, the action of knowledge and its communication, identify the reason for reality, that is, the ideal means to reach knowledge, the path that leads us to knowledge. These planes contribute in this essay with the reflection, understanding and interpretation of the object of study from the ontological, epistemological and methodological point of view, associated with leadership and emotional intelligence at managerial level; it is described how it leads to the construction of knowledge for which it begins by discerning on these concepts separately, in order to create a basis on which the discussion that will allow the development of this topic can germinate.
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