The business tourism in beaches of the Caribbean: an analysis under Butler's theory

Los negocios turísticos en playas del caribe: un análisis bajo la teoría de Butler


  • Ricardo Sonda de la Rosa Universidad del Caribe Cancún, Quintana Roo- México
  • Consepción Escalona Estrada Universidad del Caribe Cancún, Quintana Roo- México
  • Regina Pérez Barraza Universidad del Caribe Cancún, Quintana Roo- México


Beach, Tourist business, Comparative, Caribe Region


The beach is a destination of the most important attractions of tourist destinations where there are several businesses that are the basis of economic activity offered by the development in the community where they are located. The article compares the model of the life cycle of tourist destinations with the inventory of tourist businesses on the beaches of Cancun, San Juan and Punta Cana, with the purpose of knowing the commercial activity that is offered to visitors in the zones of study. It was reflected on the differences and similarities between the tourist beaches of the three international destinations in different stages, the reflection that allows to project a future scenario of economic development and the establishment of business strategies in the segment of sun and beach.


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How to Cite

Sonda de la Rosa, R. ., Escalona Estrada, C. ., & Pérez Barraza, R. . (2018). The business tourism in beaches of the Caribbean: an analysis under Butler’s theory: Los negocios turísticos en playas del caribe: un análisis bajo la teoría de Butler. Turismo, Desarrollo Y Buen Vivir. Revista De Investigación De La Ciencia Turística- RICIT , (12), 4–29. Retrieved from