Sugarcane and its derivatives as key factors for agrotourism development in Ecuador
La caña de azúcar y sus derivados como factores claves para el desarrollo agroturístico en Ecuador.
Sugar cane, tourism, agrotourism, agrotourism farms, tourism productAbstract
The objective of this research is to identify agricultural enterprises related to sugar cane production and how these can be linked to the development of tourism activities in the community of Agua Fria in the province of Manabí-Ecuador. Qualitative and quantitative research is used, according to the levels of knowledge about the object of study, the work can be classified as exploratory in the first instance and descriptive later on. Initially, an integral analysis of the territory is carried out based on field observation, using several analysis matrices, as well as cards to characterize tourist communities, then the agricultural enterprises related to sugar cane in the territory are geo-referenced and classified, and then potential agro-tourist farms are identified through the use of inventory cards. Surveys are also applied in tourist sites near the area, where an approximation of the visitor's profile is made and their perceptions about their interest in learning about the processes derived from sugarcane and tourist activities in nearby farms are obtained. In the last phase, a series of strategies are structured based on the analysis of internal and external factors for the development of tourism in the sector, and suggestions are also made through attribute matrices, where three product lines with potential growth in the sector are stipulated, combining different activities linked to agricultural activities, nature and interaction with the customs and traditions of the locality.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Angel Guillermo Félix, Oscar Bravo, Angely Brenda Albán Mero
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