Who they are, think and what value: tourism in Mexico City
Quiénes son, qué opinan y qué valoran: turismo en la CDMX
tourists, features, opinions, values, city of Mexico.Abstract
This text presents an overview of the features and looks of the tourism of the Mexico City. It describes people who are tourists, the characteristics of the journey and the stay, as well as their assessment of tourist services and the city. Through a survey and interviews conducted in 2017 is obtained the information. Visitors have certain characteristics, in general the city is valued positively without throwing out its problems, the likes and dislikes are shown by the city, as well as the evaluation of tourism also generally good. As a result, it was found that people like history, culture, architecture, gastronomy. On the other hand, they don't like is the concentration of people, traffic, pollution and insecurity, which is understandable and that can point out to another city.
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