Introduction to the sustainability analysis of the Mummy Museum of Guanajuato
Introducción al análisis de sustentabilidad del Museo de la Momia de Guanajuato
sustainability, museums, cultural industry, mummy’sAbstract
Museums are a cultural industry in constant growth and its sustainability is an issue that is beginning to be of vital importance due to the need to have more integral and efficient cultural institutions. This work is of exploratory type and its objective is to analyze the sustainability in museums considering the cultural, economic, social and environmental dimensions through the model of Stylianou-Lambert, Boukas, & Christodoulou-Yerali (2014). The project involves a qualitative case study focused on documents and the observation of the Museum of the Mummies of Guanajuato. The objective was to identify cultural and sustainable policies so that, determine their strengths and weaknesses. This museum is the third most visited in Mexico and the second source of income for the City of Guanajuato. The research question was: what is the status of sustainability elements in the Museum? This first inquiry will allow to delineate better strategies of development for the museum. The results suggest that the Mummy Museum has a strong economic and cultural impact, but there is still a long way to go to develop the social and environmental dimensions. As a future line of research, the exploratory results found in this work must be empirically tested.
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