Quality certifications, an analysis of the limitations for its acceptance and subsequent adoption in the tourist MSMEs of the State of Mexico
Certificaciones de calidad, un análisis de las limitantes para su aceptación y posterior adopción en las MiPymes turísticas del Estado de México.
tourist offer, tourists, MSMEs, quality of the offer, sustainable developmentAbstract
The emergence of new tourist profiles has led to a series of changes that force us to rethink the tourist offer of tourist destinations. Above all, of those that have arisen spontaneously and whose investment is mainly of a family nature characterized by MSMEs which implies the reformulation of strategies that favor the professionalization of the existing offer as a way to remain competitive in the market and at the same time to promote the sustainable development of destinations.
This is a descriptive study of qualitative nature, where through a series of field visits, interviews with key actors, and the application of one hundred questionnaires to entrepreneurs from five magical towns in the State of Mexico, the current lag facing the tourist offer mainly propitiated by; the lack of interest of businessmen, the absence of public policies that promote certification actions and the lack of recognition of the market in relation to quality seals, laying the foundations for future studies related, not only with tourism offer but also with competitiveness and sustainable development of tourist destinations.
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