Tourist profile of generation z that visit Guayaquil
Perfil del turista de la generación Z que visita Guayaquil
tourist profile, preferences, motivations, Guayaquil, Generation ZAbstract
The objective of the study is to analyze the profile of the tourist generationsthat visits the city of Guayaquil, its motivational trip, sources of information analyzed for the planning and different aspects related intoits organization and experience of visiting; with the aim that the results contribute to a first approach of the study of this specific group of tourists in the city. This research mainly used the survey as an instrument of information andcollection, of which 103 surveys were analyzed in a descriptive way. The results indicated that the Generation Z has a great tendency to use the digital sourcesto plan their activities, although they consider important the opinion of their relatives and friends when making a trip decision. Finally, this group of tourists prefers to organize their visit on their own, with little collaboration of travel agencies and have the tendency to consume tourist services that demand minimal economic expenditure.
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