Tourism impact of the Outstanding Universal Value of the heritage cities of Mexico
Impacto turístico del Valor Universal Excepcional de las ciudades patrimoniales de México
Cultural heritage, cultural tourism, cultural value, Exceptional Universal Value, UNESCO listAbstract
The cities designated as World Heritage Sites have positioned themselves as important cultural tourist destinations. However, on occasions, heritage tourism resources that represent outstanding universal value are often overshadowed by other resources, causing the tourism experience not to focus on the UNESCO declaration. The objective of this research is to determine the degree of knowledge of visitors about the exceptional universal value of Mexican world heritage cities, with a view to improving the tourist experience.
The methodology used is quantitative by analyzing the results of a survey, with a sample of 3,154 self-administered surveys in situ within 7 heritage cities of Mexico. The results suggest little visitor awareness of Outstanding Universal Value. In conclusion, an area of opportunity in the tourist experience is identified, which must be analyzed by a multidisciplinary team, which provides a holistic vision for the tourism positioning of exceptional universal value.
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