Factors that influence tourist behavior: state of the matter

Factores que influyen en el comportamiento del turista: estado de la cuestión.


  • José Alberto Crespo Jareño Colegiode Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de Castilla-La Mancha - España
  • Bruno Wilfrido Soria de Mesa Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH)- Ecuador


tourism, consumer, factors, culture, society, marketing, JEL:D11


The behavior of consumers such as tourists, it is an element of interest for academia,
business and organizations. The objective of this article is to review the literature about
the main factors of tourist behavior. For that reason, we have carried out a review of the
literature through academic search engines, in order to know the status of the issue in
relation to the main factors involved in the decision making of the tourist consumer. The
study works from various subjects of the social sciences. The work provides a starting
point or theoretical body for all those researchers who want to carry out studies on any of
the aforementioned factors, as well as it is useful for the business world in the design of
their tourism marketing strategies.


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How to Cite

Crespo Jareño, J. A., & Soria de Mesa, B. W. . (2019). Factors that influence tourist behavior: state of the matter: Factores que influyen en el comportamiento del turista: estado de la cuestión. Kalpana- Revista De Investigación, (17), 120–136. Retrieved from https://publicaciones.udet.edu.ec/index.php/kalpana/article/view/20